
Below are some of our services at Astoria Chiropractic.

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Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments

A Chiropractor is best known for treating spinal disorders and related clinical conditions, including back pain, neck pain, and headaches, using a gentle thrust or adjustment to a specific vertebra. Chiropractic adjustments apply gentle forces to the spinal segments that have abnormal movement patterns causing them to function abnormally. The goal of chiropractic treatments is to reduce the restrictions or subluxations, which increases range of motion, reduces irritation on the spinal nerves and improves overall function. Dr. Farah can treat most spinal disorders with Chiropractic adjustments that can restore the motion in that joint giving proper alignment and function to that area in the spine. This helps maintain and improve spinal movement or biomechanics, restores proper posture and relieves pressure on the spinal nerves allowing proper information to flow through the nerves. This reduces pain and stiffness and creates better overall health and nurtures overall well being.

Massage Therapy and Myofascial Release

Repetitive strain injuries, trauma, an inflammatory response, and/or surgical procedures create myofascial restrictions that can produce incredible pressures on pain sensitive structures. These myofascial restrictions, that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.), as well as scar tissue, surrounding the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints can cause tremendous pain and stiffness. Most of the pain felt by the average person is due to myofascial restrictions. Our Licensed Massage Therapists use medical massage techniques that facilitate Myofascial release. These techniques are a great adjunct to the Chiropractic adjustment and can help a patient regain their range of motion and minimize pain.

Heat and Cold Therapy

The application of Heat to an area can increase your circulation and blood flow and cause your tissues to become more flexible. It can promote reduction in your joint stiffness, pain and muscle spasms. Using moist heat therapies may help to reduce inflammation and congestion in your tissues and is effective in treating many health complaints, including arthritis, muscle spasms, sprains and muscle strains.

Cold therapy or Cryotherapy is an excellent way to help with joint inflammation in the body. This therapy is used help reduce pain is areas as well as provide a cooling relief to affected soft tissues. Cryotherapy effectively reduces inflammation by constricting the blood vessels in the area. Especially for acute (recent) injuries, cryotherapy is an excellent way to help reduce swelling and further injury in the early stages of your healing process. This therapy can be done at home as well as in the office.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitative Exercises

Physical Therapy modalities help relieve pain and rehabilitative exercises involve therapeutic exercise that improve strength and core stability, range of motion and endurance, joint mobilization and proprioception training to increase balance and coordination. All of these tools of which to improve overall functionality. Our Licensed Physical Therapists use a wide range of the tools to help improve structural balance, coordination and range of motion all to improve overall function.

Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old healing technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific acupuncture points. The method used to stimulate these points is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into the skin. Electrical stimulation may further enhance the effects as could pressure or heat. Other stimulation techniques include: manual massage, moxibustion or heat therapy, cupping, and the application of topical herbal medicines. In 1997, the U.S. National Institutes of Health documented and publicized Acupuncture’s safety and efficacy for treating a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture is now covered by many insurance policies and is used most broadly to relieve pain. Our Licensed Acupuncturist can help with complaints of back and neck pain, headaches, stress and anxiety, radiation side effects, indigestion, obesity and much more.

Nutritional Counseling

We are happy to provide recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices that are specific to each patient. We can suggest dietary modifications, vitamins, herbal supplements, that assist our patients to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. The benefits of this individualized counseling can help improve the body’s natural healing response, restore energy, relieve stress, improve body function.

At Astoria Chiropractic, we offer the best possible treatments for our patients throughout Queens. The combination of these different treatments are not only effective in pain management but offer an alternative therapy to medications and can help prevent spinal surgery.

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(718) 626-6666


30-01 Astoria Blvd. Astoria, NY 11102

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